The annual report for the year 2021, issued by the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), entitled "The Role of the Private Sector in Development and the Limited Scope of Accountability," includes a number of indicators related to the private sector in Yemen, as follows:
♦ Hundreds of thousands of Yemeni workers have lost their jobs and sources of income. Available estimates suggest that the unemployment rate has increased during the war years from 56% to nearly 80%.
♦ 35% of Yemeni companies have closed their doors, while more than 51% of surviving companies have suffered from a decline in size and a decline in their business.
♦ About 73% of companies that have suspended their activities have pointed to security obstacles, financial constraints, increased input costs, lost demand, and loss of consumer base as the main reasons for the contraction of many companies.
♦ Data for the year 2015 indicates that the private sector in Yemen accounts for 80% of the total national industries.
♦ Small projects represent 88.6% of the total number of small projects, and if medium-sized projects are added, it will reach 97.4%.
♦ The value of investment capital in 2015 fell to 36.2 billion Yemeni riyals, or 168.6 million US dollars, compared to 2010 when it reached 129.8 billion riyals (604 million US dollars), a decrease of 72%.
إخلاء للمسئولية: تعبّر وجهات النظر المذكورة عن آراء كاتبها ولا تعكس بالضرورة وجهات نظر المركز أو فريق العمل.