Home Indicators Yemen: Fragility & Resilience Indicators
Yemen: Fragility & Resilience Indicators
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Yemen: Fragility & Resilience Indicators

The Country Engagement Memorandum for the Republic of Yemen, covering the biennium 2022-2023, was issued by the World Bank Group (comprising the International Development Association, International Finance Corporation, and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency) on April 14, 2022. This memorandum highlights a set of indicators pertaining to fragility and resilience in Yemen, as outlined below:


Fragility Indicators:

(a) The breakdown of the social contract and a decline in the legitimacy of the state.

(b) A crisis concerning the national identity of Yemen.

(c) The fragility of the economy in the context of economic warfare.

(d) The depletion and mismanagement of critical natural resources such as water, oil, and land.

(e) The normalization of violence and the application of arbitrary rule of law, coupled with a dearth of viable alternatives.


Indicators of Resilience:

(a) The ability to adapt to and endure prolonged periods of instability and conflict.

(b) The significance of decentralized governance structures and the role of local institutions.

(c) The importance of social safety nets, religious and cultural norms, as well as informal and non-governmental frameworks, including tribal structures.

(d) The promotion of a dynamic civil society.

(e) Empowering women to play a pivotal role in bolstering local communities, fostering social cohesion, and increasing youth engagement.

(f) Leveraging contributions from the private sector to enhance resilience.

(g) The significance of remittances and support provided by Yemeni expatriates.




The stated views express the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Center or the work team.
